What are Pets? Why do we need Pets? Wynim Exhibitions

Do we need a Pet in our Life? 

You will need to consider what kind of animal will best fit your lifestyle. Making a choice based on your level of commitment should give you a good idea of what type of pet will best fit into your lifestyle and priorities. Happily, the unconditional love and joy that pets bring to our lives more than makes up for the added responsibility that comes with welcoming adding a furry child to your family.

Helps your Fitness! Mental, Physical and Emotional:

Owning a pet will improve your physical, mental and emotional health. Beyond the physical activity, mental comfort and consistent emotional support, owning a pet will actually extend your life. The American Heart Association reports that the physical exercise you get with playtime and walking your dog attributes to the following:

  • Boost your Immunity
  • Reduces the Risk of Obesity
  • Better Blood Pressure
  • Decreases the Risk of Heart Disease

Getting A Pet is Great for Your Kids! 

Getting a pet will help kids learn vital life skills and lessons like empathy, responsibility, routine and structure. The relationships your children develop with their pets are truly special and extraordinary. Similar to the vital role that companionship pets and therapy animals play in their owner's lives, pets will offer your children the same type of amazing emotional support in their childhood.

You can meet a pet’s basic welfare needs by giving it food, water, ventilation, and by protecting it from injury or ill health. Taking care of your pet also means meeting a pet’s emotional needs, too.


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